This week we would like to touch upon a very important for us matter – movement – the very core of what Organique stands for and what inspired our brand. We cherish the beauty and fluidity of dance and movement and we are here to tell you why it is so important for us.

It can get be quite frustrating to hear that you should exercise daily, move more or be more active, especially if all you can think after work is resting on your bed. Our task today is to debunk the myth of exercising as an unpleasant duty or an annoying commitment. You don’t need to be running 5 miles each day to stay on top of your health, but choose the type and intensity of movement which you truly enjoy!
How to move more in your life:
Start small
You do not need to jump to extremes with hours spent at the gym. How about scheduling a 10 minute stretch every day? This can all be simpler than you think. Choose to walk around the house when talking on the phone, have a stroll around the neighbourhood with your friend or plan a short bike ride. Whether at home or outside - any movement is better than no movement at all!
Find a training buddy
It can be very helpful to exercise with a friend as you will automatically feel motivated knowing that you’re not in this alone! On days where you have less interest and energy in putting that extra effort to move your body, you will feel more committed to sticking to your active routines knowing there is someone waiting for you to do it together!
Create a ritual
Set a reminder, choose your go-to walking spot, select a time of the day and a day of the week – whatever it is, it will help you stay consistent and create a ritual which will eventually turn into a habit you won’t be able to imagine your life without. It may be hard at the beginning, but trust the process! If you still find it challenging, try to connect exercise with a fun activity such as visiting a new place (on foot), going on a hiking trip or signing up to dance classes!

Schedule low-intensity days
It is also important to not overdo exercising it as it increases the chances of premature loss ofmotivation or a burnout or may simply result in injuries to your health.Organize your week with high and low-intensity days where you maintain a healthy balance between more physically demanding activates such as running, swimming or weightlifting, and exercises focused more on flexibility, yoga, pilates or slow walks. Remember that your body, muscles and joints need rest too for the exercises to bring visible results and benefits. Speaking of the latter one, why should we move at all?
Benefits of movement
Daily exercise brings enormous benefits to your both mental and physicalhealth. It helps to strengthen your entire body, improve posture and sleepquality, increase brain power, lower the risk of heart diseases, keeping yourentire body and lungs well-oxygenated. Needless to say that practising any form of movement significantly improves your mood and mental well-being by raisingthe endorphin hormone levels and keeping you happy.
Organique was inspired by one particular activity – dance. We believe for it to be a form of an expressive art, a song sang by your body. It conveys messages from the inside of your body onto the outside world. Fluidity of the movement is graceful, beautiful and mesmerizing and these are the qualities we want our brand to be associated with. We believe that our body was made to move and we should never deprive it of its true calling.
Dance expresses more than a thousand words and so do we. So let’s start moving. Let’s begin the conversation.
Dance is the song of the body. Sing yours.
“We have a brain for one reason; to produce adaptable and complex movements. Movement is the only way we can affect the world around us"
Daniel Wolpert
Author: Agata Parylak