With what we wear, we show the world how we want to be perceived. In this article we talk about what your choice of clothes has to do with freedom. First, we'll briefly look at how it's only been in the last 100 years that women have been able to wear what they want. You will also learn how men and war have influenced women's fashion and still do. Afterwards, we want to make clear that we urgently need women and sustainable fashion in the fight against the climate crisis.
Fashion as self-determination
It was not until the transition to the 20th century that women began to test the limits of current fashion conventions. At that time, it was frowned upon to show skin as a woman; up to the ankle, one had to be covered with long, heavy dresses. This was neither comfortable nor practical, and above all, it was a sign of control over women by the male-dominated society. Women were widely regarded as the property of their husbands and treated accordingly. With the advent of the bicycle as a popular mode of transport, women began to rebel against this dress and male dominance. With long harem trousers that continued to cover everything necessary, yet they could cycle more comfortably and took the first step towards independence.
Who determines what you wear and find beautiful?
In retrospect, the two world wars can be named as the emerge for a fashion revolution. For as soon as most of the men were away, women began to work in the factories. Their labor is now used outside the home. This led to the need for practical, flexible clothing and so women began to wear trousers and shirts for the first time in order to cope with their working day. After the world wars were over and men again dominated women's everyday lives, their role in society changed again. Back was the tight, fitted dresses and the image of a perfect housewife who was supposed to please her husband. Of course, progress in women's independence could no longer be halted. Women continued to wear the adapted versions of men's clothes. Nevertheless, to this day, the male image of a beautiful woman's body still determines the way we want to dress and show ourselves.
Revolution, sustainability and women power

Since then, brave women have continued to fight for rights that men have long held. Slowly but surely, progress is being made. The right to vote, the ability to have a bank account without a husband's signature or even own a business are just a few examples. Each step means more freedom and independence. This also changes the role of women in our society. Meanwhile, in large parts of the world, we are free to decide our choice of career or partner. But we must remain patient and capitalize on the role models in which women are still seen. So, it comes as no surprise that women are far more present than men in the sustainable fashion industry. Women continue to be in a caretaker role. Standing up for the environment, people and animals with the products made is something we don't associate with masculinity, but with femininity.
Sustainable fashion or organic fashion have made it their mission to give something back to their customers and nature. With ethical manufacturing standards and sustainable resource extraction practices, women can be a role model for all men. It may still be a small niche, but at Organique we believe that every woman has a right to be anything she wants. That's why our selection of sustainable fashion is not just about putting our vegan philosophy into practice, but also about fashion that supports you in your active life.
The freedom to comfortably go through the day and feel strong and bold drives us to make activewear and loungewear from plant-based fabrics. Because if we women stick together, we have a great future ahead of us in harmony with nature.
Find our selection of sustainable clothing here.
Author: Verena Reubel